
Friday, October 28, 2011

3 Reasons why Not to get a Flu Shot !

… and 10 reasons for getting one

To be or not to be . . . a victim of the flu. The question comes up every fall when we are advised to get a flu shot. To help you decide lets take a light hearted look at both sides of the issue.

Reasons why not to take a shot:

- get time off from work (but you’ll feek like #!*# , 

-give more money to big pharma, doctors and pharmacists (but meds once you have the flu are less effective

-save a few dollars and be able to brag about it (if you don’t get the flu)  …………………

Reasons why yes

-can be very effective. Depends on the strain going around each year. This year’s flu shot should be very effective for the strains Brisbane, Perth and a H1N1 type called  California.  Often 7 out of 10 people who get the flu vaccine, don’t get the flu.

-can protect the most vulnerable, like the elderly and infants . Studies have shown that if lots of healthy people get the flu shot, then the overall rate of flu goes down that year and less infants and senior citizens end up in the hospital and less deaths.

-can lessen the degree of illness if you get the flu. Partial protection is better than none. Flu shots do not help for other viruses that spread during the winter and give similar symptoms (Influenza-Like Illness)

- can prove your buddies that you didn’t “catch the flu” from the shot; at least scientifically it is impossible; see “the viruses in the flu shot are killed (inactivated), so

you cannot get the flu from a flu shot.”

(Minor side effects possible are soreness around the shot site, low fever, aches; it would  begin soon afterwards only last a day or two.)

-avoid having to Antiviral drugs are an important second line of defense against the flu; these drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.

- You won’t have to worry as much when flu is going around. Unless of course you don’t work or sVAUDRINEocialize with the public and if everyone you contact has good health habits, such as covering their cough and washing their hands, Hey better idea, make sure everyone around you at home and work get a shot

-Can even avoid a needle by getting the nasal spray form of the flu shot. This LAIV nasal spray ( live attenuated  influenza vaccine) is for healthy persons over 2 and under 50. LAIV works by inoculating against those same three strains that have been genetically modified to minimize symptoms of illness. The regular shot is TIV (flu shot (injection) of trivalent (three strains

-and oh, yeah – getting the flu makes you feel like #!*#

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